
BTEC Business (Extended Certificate)

Why BTEC Business?

The BTEC Business course has been developed to provide a broad educational basis for further training, further education or for moving into appropriate employment within the business sector. It is delivered in a work-related context to allow learners to develop an understanding of the business sector.

Course Type: BTEC
Exam Board: Pearson
Weight: Single
Specific Entry Requirements:
Grade 4 in Mathematics and English
Course Assessment:
The course involves 4 units. 3 are mandatory, 2 are externally assessed (58%).
Contact Curriculum Leader for more information:
Miss Bladen
Download Course Leaflet
Business students can move on to Higher Education courses and careers in the following areas:
Accountancy, Business, Administration, Education, Retail, Marketing, IT/Computing, Law, Management, Public Relations, Human Resources

Course Outline

Unit 1 – Exploring Business (Coursework - Internally assessed)

In this introductory unit, learners study the purposes of different businesses, their structure, the effect of the external environment, and how they need to be dynamic and innovative to survive.

Unit 2 – Developing a Marketing Campaign (Controlled assessment - Externally assessed)

In this unit learners will gain skills relating to and an understanding of how a marketing campaign is developed. This unit is assessed under supervised conditions. Learners will be provided with a case study two weeks prior to a supervised assessment period in order to carry out research. The supervised assessment period is a maximum of 3 hours. During the supervised assessment period, learners will be required to complete a task that will require them to prepare a rationale and then a plan for a marketing campaign for a given product or service. Pearson sets and marks the task.

Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance (Exam - Externally assessed)

Learners study the purpose and importance of personal and business finance. They will develop the skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information. This unit is assessed by a written examination set by Pearson. The examination will be 2 hours in length. The number of marks for the examination is 100. (Section A contains questions on the personal finance unit content and approximately one third of the marks and Section B contains questions on the business finance unit content, and approximately two thirds of the marks). The assessment availability is twice a year in January and May/June.

Unit 8 – Recruitment and Selection Process (Coursework - Internally assessed)

Learners explore how the recruitment process is carried out in a business. The unit gives them the opportunity to participate in selection interviews and review their performance. This unit will give you a foundation for progression to employment, for example in a human resources role, or to higher education. Through undertaking recruitment activities the unit will help you to develop the skills needed in an interview situation. You will have an opportunity to review your individual performance and analyse your skills for development.

Important Documents

Questions or Queries?

Should you have any queries or comments please contact Miss Duncombe (Sixth Form Admissions Officer) by either:

Email: sixthformadmissions@sandwellacademy.com

Or by post:

Sixth Form Admissions Officer,
Halfords Lane,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands,
B71 4LG.

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