
BTEC Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate)

Why BTEC Health & Social Care?

The Health and Social Care course provides students with a sound foundation for a career in the allied caring services or as a spring board into higher education. The modules of work are designed to develop employment related skills. The course aims to give students foundation knowledge on legislation, policies and procedures within the health and social sector. It covers a diverse selection of topics such as Sociology, Psychology and Biology to incorporate all aspects of health and development.

Course Type: BTEC
Exam Board: Pearson
Weight: Single
Specific Entry Requirements:
Grade 4 in Mathematics and English
Course Assessment:
The course involves 4 units, 3 are mandatory, and 1 optional unit. External assessment (58%).
Contact Curriculum Leader for more information:
Mrs Chapman
Download Course Leaflet
Health and Social Care students can move on to Higher Education courses and careers in the following areas:
Nursing, Midwifery, Education, Community Work, Social Work, Welfare Work, Housing Services, Public Health, Health Services

Course Outline

During the first year, students will study two units and a further two units in year 2.

Unit 1 – Human Lifespan Development (Exam, externally assessed)

In this introductory unit, learners cover physical, intellectual, emotional and social development across the human lifespan, and the factors affecting development and the effects of ageing. Learners will explore the key aspects of growth and development, and the experience of health and wellbeing. They will also learn about the factors that can influence human growth, development and human health. Some of these are inherited and some are acquired through our lifespan. A number of theories and models to explain human behaviour will also be studied.

This unit is assessed by a written examination lasting 1 hour 30 minutes which contains both short and long answer questions.

Unit 2 – Working in Health and Social Care (Exam, externally assessed)

In this unit learners will understand what it is like to work in the health and social care sector. This will include gaining an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of workers and organisations. Learners will learn about the ways services are provide and delivered according to the needs of service users and also about the barriers that can prevent people getting the help they need. Legislation will also be studied and you will understand how services are regulated and monitored.

This unit is assessed by a written examination lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. The paper will comprise four sections each based on a different short scenario relevant to a different service user group. The paper will contain both short and long answer questions.

Unit 5- Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (Coursework, Internally assessed)

In this unit learners focus on the principles and practicalities that underpin meeting individuals care and support needs which are the foundation for all the care disciplines. In this unit learners will study the values and principles of meeting care and support needs and look at some of the ethical issues that arise when personalising care. Factors that can impact on professionals who provide care and support will also be examined. The experience gained from this unit will be invaluable for anyone who wishes to pursue a health or social care related career or further education.

Optional unit – (Coursework, Internally assessed)

Learners will have an opportunity to study an optional unit in either sociology, biology or psychology. The units range from sociological perspectives, psychologically perspectives and physiological disorders and their care. Learners will submit a portfolio of work to be internally assessed.

Important Documents

Questions or Queries?

Should you have any queries or comments please contact Miss Duncombe (Sixth Form Admissions Officer) by either:

Email: sixthformadmissions@sandwellacademy.com

Or by post:

Sixth Form Admissions Officer,
Halfords Lane,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands,
B71 4LG.

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